May 30, 2019
5 to 8:30 p.m.
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center

An interactive demo to showcase the capabilities of Cyrano, a company that uses natural language processing and sentiment analysis to provide organizations with key, actionable metrics they can use to help foster meaningful conversations with their clients.

Students: Nessa Valentine Scott, Samantha Paige Rollins, David Daniel Brown, Tayler Nielsen, Thoamas Huang, Sean Victory

Professor: Hadar Ziv, Associate Professor of Teaching, Dept. of Informatics

Advisors: Scott Sandland, Dan Paris (Cyrano), Tim Laubach (Google)

Not Fast Just Furious

The number of students enrolled in project courses offered by the Department of Informatics at UCI grows significantly each year. To improve the experiences of the professors and officials managing these courses, we developed Zivbase. It consists of a public website to improve recruitment efforts and showcase projects, and a web application to remain informed about teams, projects, and interactions with contacts in a centralized archive.

Students: William Khaine, Mike Pare, Jacky Luo, Nick Yu

Professors: Hadar Ziv, Associate Professor of Teaching, Dept. of Informatics, Darren Denenberg, Lecturer, Dept. of Informatics

Seal Team Six

Interactive Rehabilitation Application/Game for the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.

Students: Ara Matthew Ghiulezian, Edwin Geovanny Lopez, Daniel Shigeru Nakasone, Shen Peng

Professor: Emily Navarro, Lecturer, Dept. of Informatics

Sponsor: Pacific Marine Mammal Center, Kirsten Donald

Rogue Two

Web-based mobile application for remote management of IDTech proprietary payment processing devices, for use by IDTech clients to track and troubleshoot their deployed devices.

Students: Carlos Cortes-Gutierrez, Claudia Cota, Ramon Garcia, Parker Scott, Lindsey Whisler

Professor: Darren Denenberg, Lecturer, Dept. of Informatics

Sponsor: IDTech, Matthew Jensen

Taylor and the Swifts

Building a graphical change management system today, to handle the bounced emails of tomorrow. A collaboration with SendGrid to ensure accountability, traceability, and usability of a bounce rule application.

Students: Kristen DeVore, Joseph Bustamante, Cody Han, Khuong Tiet, Gevorg Gabrielyan, Kenny Matsudo

Professor: Darren Denenberg, Lecturer, Dept. of Informatics

Sponsor: SendGrid


Project Izza is an online registration system created for the summer daycare camp, Camp Izza.

Students: Jose E. Farias, Noah Kenji Khrihara, Jessica Hieu Nguyen, Willy Saronamihardja, Ryan Zahrae

Professor: Emily Navarro, Lecturer, Dept. of Informatics

Sponsor: Camp Izza, Omar Ezzeldine

Sign Language Translator

The Sign Language Translator is a glove that translates sign language to text and speech in real time. The glove is outfitted with an Arduino Lilypad, Accelerometer, Flex Sensors and Contact Sensors. Values from these sensors are sent via bluetooth to an iPhone application which predicts and displays the translated gesture. Through the application, users are able to calibrate the glove and view the translation.

Students: Brandon Lo, Harshithaa Mohanraj, Brandon Ngo, Daniel Phan

Advisor: Pooria Mohammadi Yaghini


Wireless brain monitoring systems for instant assessment of neurological disorders.

Students: Ayushi Patel, Trevor Silence, Quinn Korematsu, Hengji Chen, Anirudh Bhushan

Advisor: Yama Akbari


HemaDycamics utilizes intellectual property developed at UCI’s Beckman Laser Institute for its portable blood flow imaging modality: the HemaFlow Imaging System. The aim is to provide a quality device for the measurement of blood flow in chronic wounds driven by the customer’s needs. With early diagnosis and treatment, the formation of DFUs can be prevented, improving patient lives. Our patent-pending product will be the first handheld device capable of providing the much-desired information to physicians to aid in blood flow visualization at a reduced cost.

Students: Adrian Bahani, Emil Lundqvist, Steven Chang, Stephanie Pascua, Natasha Palamuttam, Dian Song

Advisor: Christine King

Multi-Wing Rotary Propulsion Engine

The Multi-wing rotary propulsion engine (MWRPE) is an innovative design that uses a fluid mechanism discovered through observation of flapping wings. This mechanism takes advantage of induced flow created by separation of two flexible wings or a flexible wing and a rigid wall. By repeating this mechanism many times around a cylindrical axis, the MWRPE is able to maximize thrust through a fluid medium.

Students: Nathan Cabezut, Fernando Pablo Quevedo

UCI Rocket Project

The UC Irvine Rocket Project is a collegiate rocketry team that is developing liquid propellant rockets. The team is currently composed of all undergraduate students in different engineering majors. The experiential learning associated with the project prepares students for successful engineering careers. In 2017, Base 11 became a partner of the UCI Rocket Project. Their gracious donation enabled the construction of the UCI Rocket Lab and enabled the team to join in the Base 11 Space Challenge.

Students: Brian Fox, Srinath Gopalakrishnan Myriam Khalil, Sergio Sandoval, Matthew Polcyn, Caitlyn Copeland, Ching-Hao Yu, Simon Atkins, Jorge Karam, Amy Yee, Mariam McCloskey, Jonathan Palafoutas

Advisor: Mark Walter